
Chicory salad with salmon and Roquefort sauce

Recipe made with Snel cooking cream


  • One tray of chicory (3 or 4 units)
  • 200g Roquefort cheese
  • 200g salmon
  • 200g peeled walnuts
  • ½ glass cream for cooking
  • Ground black pepper and extra virgin olive oil

Serves 4

60 minutes


  1. Since chicory does not grow in soil, and nor does it undergo treatment of any kind, you do not need to spend a long time washing it. Just cut the stem and remove the leaves one by one, then rinse them under the tap and leave them to dry.
  2. In a saucepan, with a couple of spoonfuls of olive oil, slowly melt the Roquefort over a low heat. When it has completely melted, add the cream, stir it well and remove from the hob to let it cool.
  3. Pour the sauce into a pot and heat.
  4. First, place the chicory around the edges of the dish. On top of each individual chicory leaf, place a slice of salmon. Sprinkle with walnuts, and pour over the cream and Roquefort sauce. Decorate to taste.